Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wrap up of the #SMBEeuks meeting and QIIME workshop at UC Davis

Thanks to everyone who attended the SMBE Satellite Meeting on Eukaryotic -Omics at UC Davis last week (April 29 - May 2, 2013). The event was a resounding success - it was wonderful to meet participants from such diverse backgrounds, working on different aspects of eukaryotic genomics and biodiversity studies. Many thanks to meeting sponsors SMBE, MOBIO and Illumina for their generous financial support. Fingers crossed for other similar meetings in the future! 

For reference, all meeting documents are available here:
Twitter discussions that took place at the meeting each day have been compiled using Storify (a great online tool that collects tweets before Twitter locks them away in their archive):
Some speakers have posted their slides online - hopefully I can expand this list as I convince more participants to share their talks and posters (updated 5/18):
On Thursday morning we held breakout group sessions to discuss the overall themes at the #SMBEeuks meeting, and put forward some recommendations for increasing the pace of scientific progress in Eukaryotic -Omics fields. A general discussion took place before we broke off into two smaller groups for more specific discussions. Notes are posted here:
Finally, my deepest thanks to Laura Wegener Parfrey, Tony Walters, and Adam Robbins-Pianka for running a fantastic QIIME workshop after the #SMBEeuks meeting. We had a packed room of eager biologists who were ready to pick up some command line expertise. QIIME workshop documents are posted below - additional thanks to microBEnet and the Alfred P. Sloan foundation who supported this workshop!

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